Fable about wolf and rabbit

2020, plaster, serigraphy, wood
600 x 200 x 40 mm


The relief simulates historical and cultural representation of the connection between the rabbit and the wolf and a very clear hierarchy, in which the rabbit is the weaker one and the wolf the stronger one. The wolf chases the rabbit, but the rabbit is capable to escape the wolf thanks to its cleverness.

When we look at the problem through the cited data, we can see that in natural conditions, the rabbit makes less than 1% of the wolf food intake (together with other small rodents). The research reveals that the rabbit is a very small pray which requires too much energy to hunt to be an interesting catch for the wolf. Seemingly historizing artwork can, ironically, disprove widespread knowledge and undermine our trust in wisdom that is culturally deep-rooted in us.

These mystical stories are too fascinating to be easily unhinged by facts. Each of these stories has its efficiency: as narratives, they seem to be more possible that everyday or historical reality which is much more complex and less trustworthy. These stories seemingly explain something that is otherwise hard to understand.

Fable about wolf and rabbit