A Comparison of the Occurence of the Gray Wolf and the European Rabbit...

... in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia (Nu Pagadi!)

2020, digital print, ink
600 x 400 mm, 600 x 400 mm


The diptych uses real data about the occurrence of the European rabbit and the gray wolf. The obtained data are transformed into a form of manipulative map (which consists of the names of the cities in the compared territories). The data in the graph are real; however, they form fictious narrative about their mutual polarization. As the maps say: rabbit population does not overlap with the population of wolf and the depicted polarization shifts into fiction.

It is not about telling untrue information. Juggling with information, hiding the positive ones and presenting the negatives ones is a form of propaganda. On the other hand, something positive for one group can be something negative for another. What happens when we are purposefully moved to a specific side of the political or opinion spectrum?

The formal principle puts the analytical principle of the data visualization in contrast with the drawing which communicates with the data but does not respect them. On the contrary, it mocks them and distracts our attention to easily readable illustrated narrative.

A Comparison of the Occurence of the Gray Wolf and the European Rabbit...